Friday, March 21, 2008

21 March

Today was usual rising but after getting breakfast materials I came back and checked emails, etc. Then I had some breakfast and set off to go to Mount Rainier National Park. The weather was so-so, but I persisted on the off-chance. It paid off, because by the time I had got to the first stop in the park, the sun was out (mind you, it was only 0°C). I looked around the gift shop (a fatal mistake as what I get I have to carry to England) but only bought some postcards. I posted a lot off, and have only some to England to post tomorrow. I may well beat them to England!
Then it was a quick look around the museum (interesting, but like a lot, deserving of an hour or so instead of the cursory look I could give) and the Transport Museum (I used the same sort of ancient hand pumps they had on display to fill DOUG 2 in the late 1970s in the Victorian alps).
Then I headed off to Paradise (the name of the last place which can be visited until the season opens, not my nirvana) and got some good photos there and back. The snowplough had just cleared the road, so chains weren’t needed. Parts of the surface had not been cleared properly and so the lines were not visible at all for about three miles. Going up was easier than going down, as the front slid around a bit on the return trip.
Once down, I found a church with a manse behind and dropped off the toaster. It will have a good home either with a parishioner or in the church hall. I can’t take it with me and I didn’t see a charity shop today on my travels. However I did see everything else open (and even got a haircut – US$7 from a woman who used clippers with a vacuum attached) and the radio had reported traffic problems in the morning commute. Good Friday seems not to be celebrated as a holiday (from the old “Holy Day”) as even the post offices were open and deliveries were occurring (in RHD drive vehicles, so the drivers can load the mailboxes without leaving their vehicles!).
I had some late lunch on the way home and then sorted out the washing and put that on. The other powder, not yet used, was doled into Ziploc bags for use later (so I didn’t have to carry the tub nor use that space). I wrote some postcards to England, but fear that I may reach England before they do. I had sorted out most things, but will finally pack at about 7:30 tomorrow so I will be ready to leave soon after 8 (that should get me to Seattle to change cars by about 9:30). Everything has to fit in either the suitcase or the backpack, although writing materials and vouchers can go in the little pack I got from the Grand Canyon. I’m wondering what I will have to leave.
In a few minutes I have to collect the clothes (hopefully dry) and fold and pack some, then do the photos and then I will try to sleep early so I am refreshed for leaving the US and entering Canada tomorrow. Currently I plan to visit the gardens on Vancouver Island after confirming my train booking, and have already booked my accommodation for tomorrow night in Vancouver and Wednesday night in Toronto (and knowing my luck, the train will be delayed and I’ll lose that money, but better to be safe than sorry). Sunday will be walking around Vancouver city after I have returned the car and left my luggage at the station.
Last US night – it seems surreal considering at Christmas I was talking about what I would be doing and didn’t even have the tickets then. Reality will hit when Immigration remove the green card from my passport and I get it stamped in Canada.

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