Wednesday, February 20, 2008

18 February

Another sleep-in. The Space Centre doesn’t open until 10, so I didn’t bother even thinking about getting up until well after 8. After breakfast, packing and showering and dressing, I was ready to go by 9:30. After checking out and driving down to the Space Centre, then programming in tonight’s accommodation, it was nearly 10 so I strolled over and went straight in. With a quick glance, I sorted out what I wanted to see and went straight in to the introductory film on the space program. It started at 10:15 and there were not many there, in spite of it being a holiday. I did see why very young children should not attend these, as one just either cried, yelled or ran around during the entire film. Not a good experience for anyone and specially for the others, many of whom would have travelled a long time or distance to be there. However I at least got the gist of it.
After a look around the astronaut area, I went into the film about the Space Station. This was on an IMax screen and, with not many there and no really young children, it was enjoyed by all present.
After leaving that, I had a last quick look around and then headed out. I went to Dennys for lunch as they had a special oldies lunch pricing – and I qualified! I didn’t expect the waitress from last night ot be on, but she was and recognised me. We spoke briefly before I left for LaFayette. I did try to ring the Garners, but got a sleepy voice that told me they were no longer there.
Once on the road it was suburban streets for a little until parkway (literally a roadway through a park) and then highway before entering again onto I-10. I got to drive over a spectacular bridge, but thought that stopping in the middle to take a photo was not a good idea.
I-10 buzzed on through Texas until after about 890 miles, Louisiana popped up. Here there was again an spectacular rest stop, with everything needed (okay they didn’t have wireless Internet access, but I could check and send emails). I engaged the staff in discussion and gained a large amount of literature (my “homework” for tonight). As I was leaving, two things happened – I saw a sign about not swimming in the lake (alligators) and was stopped by a young person who noted the California plates on the car and asked me how I liked Louisiana compared to California. When I told him I was a tourist from Australia, he told me he was a commercial pilot and was investigating flying with Qantas. I couldn’t help him as the question was related to flying training types and hours, but wished him the best and drove off. On the other side of the road, traffic was at a standstill because of roadworks.
It was a relatively quick trip along to LaFayette, but there were roadworks on my side of the road, and, as is typical in Australia too, drivers trying to beat the system actually slowed it – by merging at the roadworks and forcing everyone to break, instead of merging before so everyone just drives straight through. After passing two of these artificial hold-ups, I arrived at the motel at 5:30, booked in (no Internet again; that makes for an earlier night tonight but a later one tomorrow night) and found the laundry so decided to make use of the opportunity and do the washing. I have to wash my jacket as I have slept in it for about twelve nights and here I can let it dry in the shower overnight (I can’t run it through the dryer).
The washing went in, while I went into my tracksuit (so I can wash everything and be ready tomorrow with all clean clothes) and then I typed up today’s blog while the washing was on.
I was able to play the good Samaritan as the vending machine was out of washing powder and I gave some to a person who had waited from yesterday to get some.
While the washing was drying, I took the laptop back and hung the jacket in the shower to dry. After that, the washing was folded (you know “iron” is a four-letter word and I don’t like using them) and I started on my homework for the evening. After a detailed read, I decided on my plan of action and then went to bed and to sleep.

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