Saturday, May 31, 2008

30 May

Today started with a leisurely breakfast, then a quick pack of my room and a thorough check. I left, saying goodbye to mine host and promising to keep in touch.
I drove back to Chipilly, now armed with the contour map, and found the high point of the ridge. I videoed the view, but from observation believe that the cemetery would have been the optimal location for the machine gun post my grandfather captured.
I then set course for the hotel I had booked. Along the way I realised that today was Friday and it was getting close to noon, so I had to post the parcels off very soon. I stopped by the side of the road and packed two parcels up, one to be posted to Kerry, at home, and one to Fran. Although equal size, they were not equal weight.
I chose the closest post office along the way to call into and arrived at 11:50. By the time they were weighed (one too heavy, so I moved a book into the other, but had to take the maps out) and then relabelled (according to the assistant there, the wrong labels were given to me – but they were the same as what got the last parcel to Australia), it was after noon and the post office was closed. At least they were now off and I had one less thing to worry about.
I arrived at the hotel at about 1:30 to find it was the wrong ne – they have THREE of the same name within a kilometre of each other. I found the correct one (it wasn’t in a flight path) and checked in, unloaded my stuff and decided to wash the small amount of dirty laundry and have a rest after. I did that, checked email and then went to sleep, waking up irregularly until it was the next morning.

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