Friday, December 21, 2007

22 December

Well, I'm finally on my way, abeit for a practice run.

After an early rising on Friday (after being able to sleep in as I wanted for most of the earlier part of the year), it was up and have a cup of tea and drink (water and psyllium) and finishing packing the car. The recycle collection came early, so I brought that bin in, but the rubbish collection hadn't been by the time I left, so my trusty neighbour will bring that in. Shower, dress, a final pack, getting the newspaper and I was off.

I arrived at my (old) school at about 7:50 and caught up with Abdullah, Andy and Erin. Then it was down behind the VCE Centre for breakfast. Colin, Peter and Michael were already there and had the barbie fired up. The staff gradually arrived between 8 and by 10 nearly all were there. I headed off (with a school magazine, which I still haven't looked at yet), called in to say hello to on ex-student working at Essendon, then went off to Shepparton after topping up with petrol at Kalkallo. The family I went to see were all out (but the dogs were very friendly and made me welcome), so I left a note and headed off. On the way to Horsham there were periods of very heavy rain where visibility dropped and the wipers got a good workout. At one stage I was behind a truck for about ten kilometres and there just wasn't enough of a break to pass. 
I also proved that a car with cruise control does not speed up when aquaplaning - in fact, as theory suggests, it actually slows down and then there's a quick burst of acceleration when it hits the dry patch on the other side.

I called into Horsham to drop off Christmas presents for Kerry at Greer and Kevin's workplace. Greer wondered why Kerry hadn't given me a Santa cap to wear and go, "Ho, Ho, Ho," but after the rain and some other very erratic drivers (overtaking in very limited space and pulling in just as I passed, but by that time I was halfway off the road), I was looking more for just a little break. I had seen electronic translators which would do all I wanted cheap at Aldi, but there were none at the local store. I tried the Aldi in Horsham (just over the road from where I was) but they had none - a helpful assistant told me Bendigo may have some left, but that seemed too long a drive. At 5 p.m. I headed out.

The road to Adelaide was a little less eventful than the crosscountry route I had been on. After a quick food stop at Kaniva (and unanswered calls to Fran) it was then just a straight drive to Fran's in Adelaide. I had to top up with a little fuel because I wasn't carrying my spare can (not supposed to carry them on the ferry to Tasmania), so did that in Tintinara, where the SAFF was as cheap as in Melbourne. I arrived at Fran's at 9:20 p.m after 1014 km and 11 hours 40 minutes travelling (getting 8.73 L/100 km). After unpacking, checking email and a quick chat, it was off to bed.

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